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Manson Simeon: A Peace Maker


Our bright student for this week is Manson Simeon. He is a smiley eleven year old who has been on the street for approximately three years now. He has been unable to obtain a formal education since the fourth grade. We are so thankful to have him at Agape House! He is the second son in a family of  four children. They currently live in Blantyre Malawi.   Manson is a catholic believer. To get to know him better, we asked Manson the following questions:

What words would you use to describe yourself?

Friendly. Joking. Always Smiling. Humble. Patient. (sounds like a fun person to be around!)

What would you like to be when you grow up and why?

He desires to be a police officer in order to keep the peace in his country. (Blessed are the peacekeepers!)

What is your favorite game to play?

Football. Touchdown!

What is your biggest dream?

To be well known all around the world.

What do you like best about Agape Scholars?

The free education.

What gift would you give to every child around the world?


What is something that you are good at doing?


What are you the most thankful for?

God, because of His love.

What is the best thing about being a kid?

Not as many family responsibilities!

What is the most awesome thing you have seen?

A snake. (Ssssssss!)

Lord, we come to you tonight thankful for Manson. You have created him uniquely and intentionally. Thank you for his friendly and fun personality. Thank you for his dream of keeping peace within his country. We know you say in your word that those people are blessed. We pray that you would indeed use him to bring peace and reconciliation to your world in his community. We ask that you would meet his needs in all aspects. Thank you for Agape Scholars and the opportunities that the school has brought him. In the your name Jesus, Amen.

“Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they will be called children of God.”– Matthew 5:9
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