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Student Spotlight: Agnes Duwe

Agnes Duwe

A Joyful Girl With a Bright Future

Agnes Duwe is a beautiful twelve year old girl from the village of Mbayani where she was taken in by her Aunt Rose after being orphaned as a young girl. We were glad that she was not found begging on the streets, but was simply unable to attend school after the fourth grade. Agnes has two younger sisters. She loves going to African Church. Although she was orphaned, Agnes lives a joyful life with her sisters and aunt. Our staff took time to ask Agnes these questions:

What do you enjoy the most about Agape House?

The opportunity to learn.

What have you learned at Agape House this week?

This week she has been writing her term exams.

What career do you want to have some day?

Agnes wants to be a nurse so that she can treat diseases; she does not want any disease to kill her relatives as it killed her parents.

What is your favorite game to play?


What five words best describe you?

Smiling. Short-tempered. Friendly. Courageous.

Who is your best friend?

Abigail Patrick is her best friend.

What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone?

Agnes gave her friend clothes when she was in need.

What is one thing you know about Jesus?

He healed sick people.

If you could give one gift to every child in the world, what would it be?

She would give the gift of a Bible.

Father, we are so glad that you created Agnes. You gave her a courageous and joyful personality. We admire her ability to have joy even in losing her parents. You can use her circumstance to touch the lives of others, through her learning to be a nurse. Make her path straight and smooth in order to fulfill her purpose. She is a joy and a delight to You and to Agape House. Amen.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9

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