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Trizza Tomato- Our Jump Roper

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Trizza Tomato

For the final week of March, Agape House would like to introduce Trizza Tomato. She is a ten year old girl who lives in the village of Kadzombe . After the third grade Trizza was unable to continue schooling and has been in the streets for a month.  She is the first born of four children. She has moved from various countries over her lifespan including Tanzania, Mozambique and now onto Malawi. She is presently going to Agape House and has a future as bright as her smile!

What is your favorite thing about going to Agape House?

The education, prayers, and chatting with her friends.

What do you want to be when your grow up? Why?

She wants to be a doctor so that she can treat patients.

What is your favorite game to play?

Jump Rope. To explain the rules of the game she says, “When you are playing the [jump] rope if you miss the rope you have broken the rules or if you are entangled by the rope then your turn is over, so you have to give your mate to have their turn.”

What five words would you use to describe yourself?

Happy. Talkative.  A good listener to God’s Word and her parents. Playful.

What is the most awesome thing you have ever seen?

A kitchen set with a beautiful  tumbler, electric plates, a broom, and a spoon.

How would you describe heaven?

A beautiful and shiny place.

What do you imagine that God looks like?

He would be dressed in all white with a lot of stars around Him.

What is the best dream you’ve had?

She dreamt that she was the president of the United States of America (cue presidential themed music)

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the life of Trizza and the ten years you have given her thus far. We are thankful and she is thankful for the life you have given her. We pray that her spiritual, physical, and financial needs would be met. Thank you for her beautiful smile that could light up any room, even one across the world in America via a computer screen. We just pray that you would send her encouragement and hope to know that she is dearly loved by you.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to give you a hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11

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