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Student Spotlight: Future Police Officer- Thokozani Sukali

A Brief Background:

For the first week of February, Agape Scholars would like to introduce Thokozani Sukali. She is twelve years old.  She lives in Mybayani in the villlage of Sukali-Mphemba in the district of Blayntre. Thokozani is the fifth daughter in a family of six children (5 girls and 1 boy). Thokozani and her parents attend Zion Church. She remembers the songs that they sing there. Her street status as of today reports that she has been on the street for nine months.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?

A police officer! Despite being a girl, she longs to protect her country.

What is your favorite thing about Agape Scholars?

The education that is offered.

What is your dream?

Becuase of Agape Scholars, her biggest dream is to build a big school in Malawi.

What is your favorite game to play?

“Thokozani likes playing netball as her favorite game, though she is not [the] best and had no ideas about the rules of such a game.” (very similar to Basketball)

What is something that makes your family special?

The amount of love poured out sets her family apart from others.

What five words do you think best describe you?

Obedient. Ever-smiling. Courageous. Generous. Humble.

If you could give one gift to every child in the world, what would you give?

She realizes the need for clothing in the world, so she said that if it were possible, she would give each child clothes.

Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful?

God’s Word.

What is the most awesome thing you have ever seen?


If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be?

Thokozani wants to be a rabbit( how cute!)

What do you imagine that heaven looks like?

Heaven is beautiful and full of gold.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

” And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” – Genesis 12:2

She loves the verse becuase of the promise given.

When you pray, how do you imagine God?

Because God created man in His own image, she believes that God looks like a man.

What are you good at?

She is good at fufilling her duties as a daughter (chores).

What are you the most thankful for?

Thokozani is the most thankful for God’s grace to be alive and for daily bread.

What is the best thing about being a kid?

The best thing about being a kid is the love she recieves from her parents.

What is your best memory?

One day Thokozani challenged her parents to believe that even she does bad things, but that she will change. Through this day she was able to remind her parents that ever since she began coming to Agape House she is a changed person.

Lord Jesus, thank you so much for the life that you have given Thokozani. I know that she has a huge heart for you and  loves your Word. She is your masterpiece. You created her intentionally and with purpose. I pray that you would provide the encouragement, guidance, and counseling in the days to come. Lord, plant your purposes in her heart. Give her the courage to dream big becuase you are an all powerful God. Please provide for her family’s physical needs and send her support so that she can resume schooling. You love her so much, help us to love your child too.

“Oh Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.– You made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!”- Psalm 139:1, 13-14

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