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Davie Ndala’s Dedication to Education


This past May, our Standard Eight class took the Primary School Leaving Certificate Exams. One of our bright students to pass this rigorous exam and excel into secondary school was Davie Ndala.

Davie Ndala is an incredibly hard working student. In fact, he is so dedicated to his studies, that others have witnessed him reading an English dictionary while playing soccer with his fellow classmates in their free time. Davie was even capable of translating from English into Chichewa (native language of Malawi) when American college students were there helping to teach his class. It is with this determination and intelligence that he succeeded in his exiting exams and has now been selected to attend Mulunguzi Secondary School.

Davie is so thrilled to be one of the students to pass the exam and is ready to work diligently in order to fulfill his goals. One of his goals,in fact, is to become a surgeon. Davie is proud to have received his primary education with Agape House and learned there the life change that comes through being born again in Christ.

We are so very proud of Davie and look forward to seeing him continue to thrive in all that he does.


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