Mainda is a fourteen year old boy who has unfortunately had to work on the streets for more than five years now. He is the first born son in a family of three children. Sadly, his mother passed away along time ago and he currently lives with his parents. He enjoys going to City Pentecost Church with his friends. We are so glad to have Mainda with us to receive an education and to learn more about the love that Jesus has for this young man.
What career would you like to have when you are older? Why?
He wants to be businessman because he desires to help a lot of people in the world.
What is your biggest dream?
To build the biggest house ever!
What is your favorite game to play in your free time?
What five words best describe you?
Hardworking. Happy. Friendly. Generous. Patient.
If you could give one gift to every child in the world, what would you give?
A wrist watch.
What animal would you be if you could be one for just one day?
A bird.
What do you think God looks like?
He is like a man but he wears a white robe.
What is your favorite Bible verse? Why?
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”- John 3:16
He likes knowing that God saves everyone because he loves the world.
What is your favorite memory?
He was sick when he was young. But by God’s grace he is alive today. He is the most thankful for the life God has given him. ( Amen!)
Lord, thank you that you desire all to be saved and to enter into your family. Thank you that you loved the world enough to not abandon us, but to send Jesus to die on our behalf. We pray that Mainda would be reminded of your love and grace each and every day. Thank you for the life you have breathed into him. Please provide for his needs in every way. Thank you that through Jesus, Mainda has an incredibly bright future. Amen.