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Today’s the day! International Day of the Street Child

” As I think about today being International Day of the Street Child, I remember my time with the kids of Agape House Blantyre. It was such a joy just being with them, yet I was also filled with heartache knowing that I couldn’t fully communicate (due to my limited Chichewa) God’s love and care for them. I’m forever grateful that the language barrier didn’t keep us from forming friendships, from them giving us hug after hug, and from having the time of our lives playing duck duck goose. I’m counting down the days until I see them again in August, God willing, and can make good on my promise to come back to see them. With all of that said, even though many of these kids had no parents to care for them and had no home to go to at night, I saw the Kingdom of God in them in ways I  had not yet experienced it. I’m forever grateful to have met such wonderful people.” – Intern Amanda Scott
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