Student Spotlight: Innocent Seleman
Welcome to this week’s Student Spotlight blog! From all of us at Agape House, we pray that you have had a blessed week. Tonight I would...
Student Spotlight: Innocent Seleman
Warm Clothing, Warm Hearts: Snap a Gap Jacket Donation
Student Spotlight: Usher Bowa
Snap a Gap Malawi
Student Spotlight: Promise Chinseu
Student Spotlight: Moses Wyson
Student Spotlight: Lucy Kafodya
Student Spotlight: Cecilia Chimpunga
Student Spotlight: Ellen Mbdendera
Student Spotlight: Atupere Kwalendo
Student Spotlight: Maria Madalito
Student Spotlight: Blessings Williebroad
Student Spotlight: Kelvin Masanga
Student Spotlight: Steven Kingstone
Student Spotlight: Mary Madalisto
Debora Ntolioro: A Dreamer who Longs to See People Healed