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Debora Ntolioro: A Dreamer who Longs to See People Healed

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Debora Ntolioro is Agape House’s student spotlight of the week! She is a bright twelve year old girl who is from Zomba Malawi. She lives with her sister there.  She is the fourth daughter out of six children.  She is a member of the catholic church. Due to finances, she was unable to continue receiving a formal education after the fourth grade. Currently, she has had to work on the streets for three months. Although her circumstances are difficult, Debora loves being able to receive free education at Agape House. We are thankful to have her with us and hope to help her pursue her dreams and live a full life through Christ.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A nurse. Her biggest dream is to heal many people like has never been done before.

What five words best describe who you are?

Ever-smiling. Funny. Friendly. Generous. Talkative.

Who is your best friend?


What is your happiest memory so far?

She went to her friend’s house and had a great deal of fun.

What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone?

She cared for her friend when she was ill and escorted her to the hospital.

What do you imagine heaven looks like?

Heaven looks white.

What is one thing that you know about Jesus?

Jesus saved all people.

What did you learn at Agape House this week?

She learned about the Jeroboam kingship from the Bible. She also learned some vocabulary words.

What gift would you give to every child in the world if you could?

Clothing would be a good gift.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for Debora. You have a good plan for her life and have her name engraved on the palm of your hand. You love her, so we love her as well. Lord, she has a heart to see others healed. We know that you said in your Word that your believers will do greater miracles than the ones you performed because we have the Holy Spirit. We pray that you would use her in this passion that you have created uniquely within her.  I pray that you would indeed use her to bring healing and restoration. Fulfill the desires of her heart and bring glory to your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the father.” – John 14:12
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