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Evance Njanji

Evance Njanji dreams of becoming a doctor. His heart’s passion is for helping other people. After becoming ill himself in the sixth grade, leading to  him dropping out of school, Evance will be able to empathize with his patients well. After dropping out of school, Evance did his best to meet his daily needs by staying on Blantyre’s streets. Since then, he has returned home to his mother and four siblings. Although, she has not been able to find employment and basic needs often go unmet.

We are so glad that Evance has the opportunity to fulfill his desires of becoming a doctor through Agape House education. He loves that he is able to learn for free and can also rest assured that he will be fed as well. This week, he learned about compound words in English and multiplication in math.

Evance’s best friend is Simeon Pondeponde, another Agape House student.  In his free time, he loves to play soccer. He also enjoys attending the seventh-day Adventist church with his family.

To sum up Evance in five words, he is:

Humble. Hardworking. Patient. Obedient. Prayerful.

Evance Njanji

Lord, thank you for guiding Evance’s steps to Agape House where he can learn and eat for free. He can also learn more about who you are and the good news that you bring to Him. You walk with him every step of the way. Provide him with the strength and ability to pursue your purpose for him. Use him to bring healing to others. Fill his heart with hope. In Jesus’ name.

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