With the closing of the second term in Malawi, our Agape House Blantyre staff was invited to visit Likhubula Primary School where many of our Mbayani Back to School Project Students attend public school. It was a time of celebration as the school finished yet another term.
During this time, Agape House staff had an opportunity to encourage Mbayani students to study hard over their break so that they can succeed in the terms to come.
Encouragement is a vital part of our role with our students whether in Blantyre, Mbayani, or Limbe. After facing the many difficulties of life on the street, losing parents, and the harshness of poverty, the role of positive adult influence in their lives reassures them of their value and their exponential potential. It is a reminder that they have worth and are loved by their Creator and of their staff who devote their lives to the welfare of the students.
